If you’ve ever sold a home, then you know how important it is to take great photos. However, if all you’re focusing on are the photos, your marketing strategy could be incomplete. Video is becoming more necessary in marketing every day, so today I want to talk about how you can use it to take your listing strategy to the next level. 

In case you don’t know, real estate listings that incorporate video get 403% more inquiries than listings that don’t. That number seems like a mistake, but it’s not. The craziest part is that only 9% of listings include video in their marketing. This means that if you hire an agent with filming experience, you’ll have a huge leg up over the competition. 

A few years ago, my team hired a full-time marketing expert. If you watch my videos, they’re the person behind the camera! If you list your home with us, we’ll take your information and put it through a marketing strategy that we call “repurposing content.” This includes a robust video campaign.

“If you hire an agent with video experience, you’ll have a huge leg up over the competition.”

The last home we created a video campaign for received around 8,000 views. This isn’t an astronomical amount; however, many people who had seen the video ended up calling us and inquiring about the property. If someone takes the time to watch your video, they’ll become connected to the home. On top of that, people might share your video with their friends and family. This type of referral goes a long way. 

At the end of the day, marketing a home is all about exposure. Video not only exposes your property, but it makes your house stand out among a sea of photographs. We’ve even had people buy a home without ever seeing it in person. They fell in love with the property completely through video. 

If you would like to incorporate video into your home sale or have any other questions, please reach out to my team via phone or email. We’d love to help!